Dow Jones Industrial Average Week of the Year # 46

Weekly Flash Stat:
Know the odds. Dow Jones Industrial Average: This week will be Week of the Year # 46 – Over the last 5-10 and 20 Years respectively, Week of the Year # 46 has an up down ratio of +2 / -3 ,+5 / -5 and +13 / -7. Over the same periods the intraweek technical studies show an Up+ / Dn- ratio of +5 / -14, +10 / -26, and +40 / -44.

This week will also be November Week # 2 – Over the same 5-10- and 20 Year periods, November Week # 2 has an up down ratio of +3 / -2 ,+6 / -4 and +12 / -8. Over the same periods the intraweek technical studies show an Up+ / Dn- ratio of +17 / -8, +26 / -20, and +59 / -36.

Lastly this week will be November Full Week # 2 – Over the last 5-10 and 20 Years, November Full Week # 2 has an up down ratio of +2 / -3 ,+4 / -6 and +12 / -8. Over the same periods the intraweek technical studies show an Up+ / Dn- ratio of +5 / -14, +10 / -26, and +40 / -44.

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